2 — Registeel EX — Dragons Exalted (81/124)
2 — Jirachi — Phantom Forces (42/108)
2 — Regigigas — Phantom Forces (86/119)
4 — Solrock — Primal Clash (83/160)
4 — Excadrill — Primal Clash (97/160)
4 — Drilbur — Emerging Powers (54/98)
Trainers [25]
1 — Computer Search — Boundaries Crossed (129/135)
2 — Enhanced Hammer — Primal Clash (162/160)
2 — Lysandre — Flashfire (104/106)
2 — Pokémon Center Lady — Flashfire (105/106)
4 — Professor Birch's Observations — Primal Clash (159/160)
4 — N — Dark Explorers (96/108)
3 — Steel Shelter — Phantom Forces (105/119)
3 — Jamming Net — Phantom Forces (98/119)
4 — Hard Charm — XY Base Set (119/146)
Energy [17]
5 — Metal Energy
4 — Double Colorless Energy
4 — Shield Energy — Primal Clash (143/160)
4 — Metal Energy — Undaunted (80/90)
Solrock & Jirachi: Here we have the federal government and the mayor. One issues the capture of the fugitive—and the other backs it up by issuing the bounty reward out of his own pocket. All of your most important Pokémon in this deck rely on special energy to jumpstart their offensive power, making Solrock your primary resource. Double Colorless Energy is especially important—and that's why Solrock is here to deliver the goods. Hope to get one in your opening hand, so that you can send it active and use [Solar Generator] to put those special energies directly into your hand. This will enable you to quickly power up your most powerful bounty hunters in under two turns flat.
Jirachi is your backup to Solrock, providing a little cushion to your tactical advantage—seeing as how four copies of Solrock won't always stretch as far as you might need it to. Unlike most other decks, this one doesn't have much energy to spare, since it's loaded with tactical special energy that tend to be extremely precious towards your offensive and defensive potential. For this reason, you're going to want to stick with [Diminutive Desire] as exclusively as you can. [Doom Desire] will mostly just waste your energy in this deck, so just do your best to keep it on reserve for really tough Pokémon only.
Try not to attach any of your special energy onto Solrock or Jirachi either. They're far too precious to be throwing away—and your success critically depends on cards like Excadrill and Regigigas having those special energies to empower them.
Regigigas & Registeel EX: These two are your heavyweight bounty hunters—and the super defensive strategy of this deck aims to make either of these two Pokémon nearly unstoppable. First we have Regigigas and [Daunt], which begins at a massive 80 damage for just three energy—then reinforcing Regigigas for an impressive 40 damage against your opponent's next attack. Add the Kevlar Hard Charm onto Regigigas, and you'll be upping the irons to an immense 60 damage of resistance (which is truly phenomenal). At that point, your opponent faces the nearly impossible task of chipping away at Regigigas' high 130HP with 60 damage being taken away from all their attacks.
Registeel EX can even be all that and a little more, given how it's compatible with both Metal and Shield Energy (which will reinforce Registeel for 10 damage each). When they're both fully geared up, Registeel EX stands to last a few more attacks than Regigigas would, which is pretty significant when you're hitting back for 80 damage each turn. Registeel EX can also punch through to your opponent's bench with [Triple Laser]—picking off any lingerers retreating to spare themselves—or helping to take out troublesome benchwarmers like Robo Substitute and [Fairy Transfer] Aromatisse. Which ever you get first—take it and run with it—both hold the power to bring your opponent's down hard.
Excadrill: Here we have team leader—and your most experienced bounty hunter. Ω Barrage will enable you to attack twice—making Excadrill one very quick and very powerful Pokémon. [Dredge] can be used attach up to two energies from your deck directly onto Excadrill, taking you from one to three instantly. And these don't have to be basic energies either, so you will want to use [Dredge] to load Excadrill up with Metal and Shield energies. These are going to reinforce Excadrill against 10 damage each, where adding Hard Charm is going to bring the total to a heavy 50 damage.
The idea here is to set your opponent's offensive potential back by a lot, and support against Excadrill's rather low HP. This will enable to attack with [Mach Claw] twice from then on, dealing 100 damage to a single target—or 50 damage between the split of your opponent's KO'd Pokémon and their new active Pokémon. Meanwhile, your opponent will have to be dealing 60 or more just to put a scratch on Excadrill's super reinforced frame. It's truly the art of a best offense being a good defense.
Enhanced Hammer, Hard Charm, & Jamming Net: The battering ram, the Kevlar armor, and the Net Gun—these are the tools of the trade. This deck heavily relies on special energy—and it's not the only deck that does. That's why we have Enhanced Hammer to knock away those heavy Double Colorless Energy, setting our opponents back two entire turns with the energy lost. Next, we have Hard Charm to further reinforce the defensive power of our bounty hunters. We should be able to throw this on Regigigas, Registeel EX, or Excadrill to much success. And last but not least, we have the Jamming Net, which adds an entire level of protection against Pokémon EX—preventing them from being equipped with other Pokémon Tool cards—and reinforcing your bounty hunters against an additional 20 damage! This can bring the total of resistance up to 80 or more!!
Lysandre, N, & Professor Birch's Observations: Our bounty hunters again—in grander form. N and Professor Birch's Observations are your forerunners, powerfully cycling through your deck together as the contents thin out and hunting down your most important cards. Beside them, Lysandre is the tactical mastermind that pulls all the strings. Lysandre can be used to finish off a hard targets like Donphan and Gengar EX—or used to cut off a serious threat like Yveltal EX before it gets too powerful. It's an extremely powerful card in so many suites, it's sure to win lots games for you.
Pokémon Center Lady & Steel Shelter: These two go hand-in-hand—yet who and what they actually represent could depend on which side of the bounty you're on. If you're on the right side, I guess they could be the hospital and nurse—patching a bounty hunter up after a tough encounter. If you're on the wrong side, then I guess they could be the prison and nurse—checking up on you (the fugitive) to make sure that you haven't been drinking too much of that alcoholic toilet water to pass the days. Either way, they work the same for you—with Steel Shelter making up the bulk of protection (against special conditions)—and Pokémon Center Lady providing some extra cushion.
You can't always rely on one resource, and that's why it's a good deck building strategy to double up on cards that cover important aspects like offensive, defense, card fetching, and recovery—by including extra copies cards that do similar things to help cover your ass in a tight spot.
Computer Search: The federal cyber system and international network. It pretty does everything. It can track your grandma through space and time as she passes away into the afterlife—and that kind of power makes tracking down fugitives (or anything else you might need) a breeze.