Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Moby Dick


Pokémon [17]

2 — Keldeo EXBoundaries Crossed (49/149)
2 — Kyurem EXPlasma Blast (30/101)
2 — Kyogre EXDark Explorers (26/108)

1 — Blastoise Plasma Storm (137/135)

2 — SuicunePlasma Blast (20/101)
3 — LaprasXY (35/146)
4 — ManaphyPlasma Storm (34/135)

Trainers [26]

1 — Master BallPlasma Blast (94/101)
2 — VS SeekerPhantom Forces (109/119)
4 — Battle CompressorPhantom Forces (92/119)
4 — Robo SubstitutePhantom Forces (102/119)

1 — Archie's Ace in the HolePrimal Clash (124/160)
2 — ColressPlasma Storm (118/135)
2 — Professor SycamoreXY (122/146)
3 — TeammatesPrimal Clash (141/160)

3 — Rough SeasPrimal Clash (137/160)

4 — Float StonePlasma Freeze (99/116)

Energy [17]

3 — Double Colorless Energy
14 — Water Energy


Lapras, Manaphy & Battle Compressor: Our main combo of the Marine deck series. And in this deck, they represent the whaling ship, the harpoon gun, and the sailors with a death wish. Standard procedure is just the same here. You just lead with Lapras or Manaphy, use Battle Compressor to shoot water energy into your discard pile, then use [Seafaring] to attach those energies onto Pokémon like Kyogre EX. Since the resources are a little different in this deck, that Manaphy makes a much stronger lead here, so it's the one you'll want to try leading with most often here.

[Last Wish] combos with Teammates—to either get you two cards for one (by fetching Teammates with [Last Wish]; OR if Teammates is already in your hand, you can mass up a huge combo by obtaining three cards from [Last Wish] and Teammates together. Try using these three wishes to fetch a Battle Compressor and another Supporter—or two Battle Compressor and that. This will give you lots of energy to [Seafaring] with, and greatly thin your deck to improve the potency of your next draw.

Keldeo EX: The harpoon—with a very sharp and tactical edge. Since this deck aims to attack a little faster than the other Marine decks, and [Secret Sword] requires at least three energy to use, this pushes Keldeo EX into a less offensive role here. If he's all you got, then by all means, put him into the offensive and start harpooning your opponent to death with [Secret Sword]. Otherwise, reserve Keldeo EX for purely tactical maneuvers, like harpooning your opponent's Special Conditions with [Rush In] to remove the condition, then retreating with Float Stone to resume your offensive.

Kyogre EX: The legendary beast itself—Moby Dick. What you're looking to do here is tear your opponents up with the combination of [Dual Splash], [Smash Turn], and Rough Seas. Start this offensive by powering up Kyogre EX from the bench with your [Seafaring] combo, and then emerging from the deep and pick off your opponent's weakest crew members with some [Dual Splash] attacks. Once your opponent is able to clear about 100 damage on Kyogre EX, use [Smash Turn] to return Kyogre EX back to the deep, where it can be safely healed by the Rough Seas.

Kyurem EX: "Arrrrhhggg—thar she blows—thar be Moby Dick!" The legendary words of Captain Ahab—the character whom Kyurem EX represents in this deck. And it's a perfect likeness too. Just look at that expression on Kyurem's face—it's timeless. In the deck itself, Kyurem EX is going to act as a backup to your offensive power, supporting your primary lead—Kyogre EX.

For best results, try gauging the attack you will prepare Kyurem EX to use based on the resources you have available. When your resources are low, don't try going out of your way to power up Kyurem EX. Just throw a Double Colorless Energy on it, and ready him for [Outrage]. It's still a very powerful by itself, and it even gets a little extra support in this deck, alongside the Rough Seas. Although Rough Seas generally dials back the power [Outrage] a bit each turn, it should also extend the total number of turns that you can use [Outrage] consecutively (a little staying power that can go a long way).

[Giga Frost] is your luxury option, so you shouldn't prepare Kyurem EX for this attack unless you've either got nothing else to use—or unless you've got more than enough to spare. Meaning, by either attaching your spare energy to Kyurem EX over the course of your turns—or concentrating all of your [Seafaring] power on Kyurem EX alone to supercharge it with at least four water energy plus a Double Colorless Energy. This will grant you the ability to [Giga Frost] twice (which should give you at least two prize cards)—from which you can then retreat and return those energies to Kyurem EX with [Seafaring]; OR you can also just leave Kyurem out there with the Double Colorless Energy—and [Outrage] till the bitter end (possibly collecting another prize or two—at the cost of two prizes yourself).

Professor Sycamore, Colress & Teammates: "Heeeey, let's go hunt Moby Dick." "Oohh, that's a brilliant idea!" On...to adventure! These cards represent the less than brilliant crew of the Pequod. Teammates is going to be your lead resource between them, since it compliments [Seafaring] and Robo Substitute perfectly. Going right along with the pace of the game, Teammates should be able to get you whatever you need. The only additional instructions that can be given, is to consider always grabbing another supporter with it (to secure yourself during the next turn).

Colress is going to be your right hand man. And early in the game, it's the supporter that you'll want to always chain after Teammates. Professor Sycamore is your late game supporter. Since late in the game, you will often find yourself holding lots of overlapping content that you can't make any use of. So try to save your Professor Sycamore for later on in the game, where they can be used to purge your overlapping content—and better your odds of drawing into any content that you truly need.

Archie's Ace in the Hole: Here we have Captain Ahab again. And yup—he's in the belly of the beast. Be warned, that the ability to make use of this card is very narrow, so you will need to pay very close attention to make good use of this card. Whenever that window of opportunity closes, you will need to shut this card out totally to save yourself from being held back by it.

The first window of opportunity is to fetch Archie's Ace in the Hole with Teammates (usually during your opening turns—after you've emptied your opening hand). Utilizing this technique often involves the use of Battle Compressor as well—to put a Pokémon into your discard pile (like Keldeo EX) and help to enable Archie's Ace in the Hole for you. If you didn't have a Battle Compressor to use for this, then just use Teammates to obtain a Battle Compressor (alongside Archie's Ace in the Hole)—and use it set yourself up before you end your turn. This should enable you a clean use of Archie's Ace in the Hole during you next turn, so long as you don't draw into something that holds you back (like another Supporter).

The other window of opportunity involves chaining a Battle Compressor back-to-back with a Vs. Seeker to quickly obtain Archie's Ace in the Hole—and use it while your hand is empty. With a Vs. Seeker in your hand, use Battle Compressor to put a water energy, a Pokémon EX, and Archie's Ace in the Hole into your discard pile. Then, use the Vs. Seeker to return Archie's Ace in the Hole—where you should be able make use of it during your next turn while your hand is empty.

If either of these windows of opportunity do not present themselves to you, then consider pitching Archie's Ace in the Hole into the discard pile with one of your Battle Compressors to get it out of the way. Going into the mid-game scenario, your hand is begin loading itself with content you can't make use of (like tons of spare Pokémon)—and Archie's Ace in the Hole will only be dead weight to you then.

Rough Seas & Float Stone: The unforgiving seas—and your grave stone at the bottom of the deep. These two cards pair very powerfully together. Float Stone will give you a free retreat to the bench, and Rough Seas will then enable you to progressively heal any of your denizens lying there. Since Pokémon EX are your primary (and most demanding resources) here—try saving your Float Stones for them. Losing an EX involves losing two prize cards, and that tends to add up way too fast, so you'll need those Float Stone to keep those heavyweights above the water.

As an advanced tactic, you can put a Keldeo EX on the bench with a Float Stone, and have it tactically move your entire team around by itself. This tactic involves using [Rush In] to send your active Pokémon to the bench, then retreating Keldeo EX for free, and switching it out for something like Robo Substitute or Suicune, to buy you some time and let the Rough Seas heal your damaged Pokémon.

Masterball: "Arrrrhhh—thar be Moby Dick! Go, masterball!!"

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