Sunday, April 12, 2015

Punch-Out!! Deck Series — Bald Bull

Pokémon [21]

2 — Hawlucha EXFurious Fists (64/111)
3 — Excadrill EXLegendary Treasures (82/113)

2 — DittoBoundaries Crossed (108/149)
3 — SolrockXY (64/146)
3 — LunatonePlasma Storm (74/135)

4 — PhanpyPlasma Storm (71/135)
4 — DonphanPlasma Storm (72/135)

Trainers [23]

2 — VS SeekerPhantom Forces (109/119)
4 — Random ReceiverDark Explorers (99/108)
4 — Robo SubstitutePhantom Forces (102/119)

4 — Professor Birch's ObservationsPrimal Clash (159/160)

2 — Fighting StadiumFurious Fists (90/111)
2 — Mountain RingFurious Fists (97/111)

1 — Rock GuardPlasma Freeze (108/116)
2 — Muscle BandXY (121/146)
2 — Silver BanglePlasma Blast (88/101)

Energy [16]

4 — Strong EnergyFurious Fists (104/111)
4 — Double Colorless Energy
8 — Fighting Energy


Excadrill EX: This card primarily represents the Bald Bull and his crushing punch in grand form—respectively matching the brilliant artwork. It is also your main starter for this deck. On your best games, you want to have Exacdrill out and attacking with [Dig Out] through your opening turns, using that attack's ability with Lunatone's [Premonition]—to filter through the top cards of your deck, and attach a free energy to one of your benched Pokémon every time. With all the bonus energy, you should then be able to channel your spare energy into Excadrill EX each turn, thus enabling you to hit your opponent with a very quick and heavy [Break Ground] attack.

Donphan: This card is the lead Pokémon in the deck—and it of course, also represents the Bald Bull. Your main strategy for this deck involve evolving Phanpy to Donphan, then sticking and moving like Doc says—using Donphan's [Spinning Turn] to hit your opponent's defending Pokémon, then duck and cover behind something like Robo Substitute or Hawlucha EX. Each have their own advantages to them, and together guard Donphan and enable it to hammer away at your opponent's Pokémon unharmed. There is an incredible amount of power increasing cards in this deck, potentially enabling Donphan to hit your opponent's Pokémon with [Wreck] for an easy 180 damage or more.

Hawlucha EX: Here we have our endearing hero Little Mac. This is card that you will turn to for support when you're in a bad spot—or as a backup to one of your lead players. Try switching out Donphan for Hawlucha EX, after using [Spinning Turn], whenever you don't have any Robo Substitutes to spare. Hawlucha EX is a great option for this—since it has moderately high HP, retreats for a single energy, and its [Counterstrike] ability also acts as extra offensive power against your opponent's battered Pokémon. [Moonsault Stomp] deals about 120 damage on average as well, easily enabling Hawlucha EX to remain active and K.O a Pokémon or two by itself.

Rock Guard, Muscle Band & Silver Bangle: Anabolic bulk mass, bandages, and hidden brass knuckles. That's what you can expect in a boxing match against a Turkish mob boss. Rock Guard works really great on either of your Pokémon EX, but you will probably want to save it as often as you can for Hawlucha EX—since it will increase [Counterstrike] potential to a daunting 80 damage! Muscle Band is the universal power amplifier—it works great no matter where you place it. Silver Bracelet is a more tactical resource, and since it only applies to Pokémon EX (and doesn't work for them), you'll probably want to save it for either Solrock or a spare Donphan on your bench. Against Pokémon EX, the extra 10 damage over Muscle Band can make the difference of an entire turn.

Solrock & Lunatone: These two work as perfect compliments to each other. Lunatone represents fight night, and you'll want to use its [Premonition] from the bench to help predict the outcome of the battle. It's one of the most tactical cards in the game, and nearly any deck that runs it reaps an incredible benefit from it. Solrock on the other hand is your backup powerhouse. With Lunatone on the bench, for a single energy, [Cosmic Spin] can hit your opponent's Pokémon for up to 90 damage. That is absolutely crushing—enough take down nearly any Pokémon EX in only two rounds flat.

Fighting Stadium & Mountain Ring: Madison Square Garden and the mean streets of NY city where you train for the big fight. Fighting Stadium is going to add an additional 20 damage against Pokémon EX, as well as enable the full power of Hawlucha EX and [Moonsault Stomp]. Mountain Ring can be used to protect your weaker resources like Phanpy, Ditto, Lunatone, Solrock, and Robo Substitutes against bench punchers like Landorus EX. It enables Excadrill EX and [Break Ground] to spare your own Pokémon taking any damage. And the two copies of each give you plenty to spare when it comes to Donphan and its immensely powerful [Wreck] attack.

Vs. Seeker, Random Receiver & Professor Birch's Observations: Professor Birch's Observations is the highlander Supporter card in this deck, and it in all its power represents the mighty Bull Charge. Being that this card is your only supporter in the entire deck, you will want to use your Random Receivers to close any empty space that develops between your Professor Birch's Observations. Then, Vs. Seeker can also be used for that, but since it potentially doubles as two additional copies of Professor Birch's Observations, you'll want to try and save your Vs. Seekers as much as possible until you're all out of Professor Birch's Observations to use. You will not be able to make up for it later, since once they're all gone, Random Receiver isn't going to do anything for you.

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