3 — Florges EX — Phantom Forces (67/119)
2 — Florges BREAK — BREAKthrough (104/162)
4 — Florges — BREAKthrough (103/162)
4 — Flabébé — BREAKthrough (101/162)
4 — Xerneas — Xerneas Figure Collection (XY05)
Trainers [28]
1 — Computer Search — Boundaries Crossed (137/149)
3 — Ultra Ball — Roaring Skies (93/108)
4 — Rare Candy — Primal Clash (135/160)
3 — Bridgette — BREAKthrough (134/162)
3 — Professor Juniper — Plasma Blast (84/101)
4 — Misty's Determination — BREAKpoint (104/122)
4 — N — Fates Collide (105/124)
3 — Fairy Garden — XY (117/146)
3 — Fighting Fury Band — BREAKpoint (99/122)
Energy [15]
4 — Wonder Energy — Primal Clash (144/160)
11 — Fairy Energy
Today we're drawing a pixel garden on the computer. Our colorful garden is enraptured by a myriad of Florges—whose purpose here aims to serve as both our main flower—and the center of attention. We're using Rare Candy here to put this beautiful garden together. It's like our mental Miracle Grow, whose sugary sweetness is intended to fuel our mind, and be the inspiration behind our garden's full bloom. This deck aslo utilizes the Clockwork Orange engine—but there will be more on that later.
Our work of art here all begins with our art development team, possibly led most of all by Bridgette (who is somewhat like our lead developer in ways). Bridgette's expertise helps to lay the perfect foundation for our garden, which most often will involve the selection of 2 Flabébé and 1 Xerneas.
This selection provides us with a brilliant spectrum of colors to begin working with—as our next step in the illustration will involve evolution line jumping Flabébé to Florges. The two Flabébé also provide us with some cushion against the unfortunate event that one doesn't make the cut.
Misty's Determination is like our all-star talent, who can fix any broken picture so long as there's actually something to work with. She's also possibly our next best follow up to Bridgette (depending on the situation). On her first try, Misty's Determination can bring any missing pixel we need right into place—perfectly finishing off one of several beautiful accents in our pixel garden.
Next we have N, who is like our professional shader, and doubles as the next best first and second play. As a first play, N can work his magic to help blend our colors in place, so that very little work has to be done afterwards to finish things off. As our second play, N can bring a whole new world of colors to the table so that we can further expand upon the detail of our pixel garden.
N is also our rescue Supporter from the dangers of discard. We're on a very low budget here, and the few resources that we do have are very precious to us. This is why both N and Misty's Determination take precedence as our most active professions here. Their heavy presence is intended to provide us with the most work effort potential—while cutting back on the liability of unfinishable and/or wasteful plays.
Last we have Professor Juniper, who is like our field expert. We primarily rely on Professor Juniper to get us from one milestone to the next as the colors come together, but we will also want to turn to her to get us out of any really tight situations. Bridgette and Professor Juniper both work very closely with Misty's Determination and Ultra Ball here (which itself is one of Misty's key resources).
After setting down a really beautiful display in our opening run, Professor Juniper is a really great person to call for with Misty's Determination. And that's why Professor Juniper is heavily present among our development team—to help bring her and Misty as close together as possible for this.
Once Florges takes full bloom, we can begin doing some truly beautiful things with her. Starting off, {Calming Aroma} will enable our team of Xerneas to use [Geomancy] for no cost at all. This can be a game saving play to feed our garden—as our energy can run low here—since the number of energy in this deck had to be narrowed down in order to properly concentrate our most prominent content.
If you started with Xerneas, then for a single energy more {Calming Aroma} will enable you unleash [Rainbow Spear] right away. At a crushing 100 damage, [Rainbow Spear] is sure to cut any Pokémon down to half its size! Bloom just one more Florges, and you can begin doing this for a single energy total! This can enable you to work off the energy already attached to Xerneas, while you either strive to get more energy in your hand, or appropriate the other energy you have wherever else it might be needed.
With just a single {Calming Aroma} effect over her, Florges EX can also use [Lead] for free, or [Bright Garden] for just a single energy! [Lead] is a great opener in your first turn to put an obsolete trainer into your hand, such as Bridgette (since once her work is done—it's done) to be used next turn for Ultra Ball, or Misty's Determination, or to be relieved by Professor Juniper. It can also be used to call on any Supporter that we might need to help us at the moment, yet is majorly second to the beauty of [Bright Garden], whose power is our primary resource when it comes to Florges EX.
Add Fighting Fury Band, and your opponent might be forced to stop to smell the roses, because it's going to take Florges EX up to Mega power at 200HP—and Xerneas up to EX power at 170HP.
From here, Florges BREAK becomes the almighty sunshine—making our pace unstoppable against Special Conditions that might otherwise slow us down—and also boosting us by 30HP each turn. Get two out—and that's when it's time to behold ultimate beauty. Between the lovely pair of Florges BREAK—it's like a free Pokémon Center Lady each turn! Power and beauty that is simply unrivaled. It's not even that hard to do either, our development team makes it all very possible!
Just ask them to be careful on final selection for me if you can.
I'm allergic to pansies, and daffodils.
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