Osaka Sumo Underground
The shameful son, that a'h swings both ways, runs the Osaka Sumo Underground—when suddenly his dad busts in to take over his operation—and begins directly pocketing the money he finds. The Osaka Sumo Underground is a deadly bloodsport gambling ring where fighters of all types battle to the bitter end—and sometimes to death. This deck came to be trying to come up with an alternative M Tyrannitar deck that utilized Max Elixir for the energy acceleration needed to power [Destroyer King].
The deck ultimately ended up further utilizing Fighting Fury Belt to create a sumo theme, and cut back on the emphasis placed on M Tyrannitar to diversify upon the deck's potential and the flavor of the theme. Instead, just a single copy of both are provided to be made good use of if-and-when the opportunity ever presents itself, while other very power Dark-type Pokémon provide all kinds of alternative offensive outlets.
Between [Dark Wing] Yveltal, Dark Patch, and Max Elixir, there's a lot of energy acceleration to heavily power this deck's offensive power, while Shadow Circle removes the Weakness, and the suite between Fighting Fury Belt, Dangerous Energy, and Giovanni's Scheme greatly broaden this deck's HP, Attack Power, and Damage Stack stats.
Osama Bin Laden
This deck is about to take you into the underbelly of the Arab world on a deadly secret mission to eradicate Osama Bin Laden. This is one of my most OG decks, and probably one of my most treasured decks. I came up with this deck in the early XY era, looking to create a deck that revolving around the intriguing [Dig Uppercut] Excadrill. This was a really interesting card to me, as were a number of Black White era cards whose potential was seemingly skipped over due to the popularity of cards like Darkwai-EX, Mewtwo-EX, the reign of the Plasma era, and then the reign of Yveltal-EX soon after.
This deck here combines the Virbank City Gym/Hypnotic Laser combo co-operative with Excadrill-EX, {Premonition} Lunatone, and [Cosmic Spin] Solrock. Even in its earliest build, this deck did fairly well, as [Dig Uppercut] enables continuous plays on cards like Pokémon Center Lady and Hypnotoxic Laser. One of it's biggest drawbacks was firepower, which previously it attempted to boost with the utility of Muscle Band, but was later replaced with a Bursting Balloon/Rock Guard/Eco Arm suite to much greater success.
This final edit of the deck contains a split between Olympia and Pokémon Center Lady. The addition of Olympia here seeks to provide some mobility for heavy Pokémon. It also potentially enables a Slugger powerplay to be made between a heavily damage Active Pokémon and a totally fresh Benched Pokémon. And as a special bonus, Olympia can also act as a check against Lysandre.
Lysandre itself was another card I've tried to work in here several times, but end up opt'ing it out every time, because I feel like it goes against the nature of the deck and it's presence isn't needed. You see, this deck naturally utilizes a heavily diverse Swarmer strategy between Virbank/Laser and Bursting Balloon/Rock Guard, providing diverse damage sources to combat against simple anti-EX, anti-Basic effects.
Akin to this, I feel like this deck should be able to bust through any simple defensive such as that, and ultimately overrun them without Lysandre being needed at all. The recent addition of Olympia further supports this potential, as Olympia's Switch potential enables this deck to counter-check against Type-disadvantages. One could even make the split 3-1 (between Olympia and Pokémon Center Lady) to further increase this potential.
Out to Pasture
This deck right here about a powerlifter who works at the slaughterhouse, when suddenly one day, one of heavyweight cows steps up to the harness just goes mad. It's like, "Bro, do you even lift?!" and bucks the powerlifter to the ground, beginning a rampage throughout the entire slaughterhouse looking to get back to the pasture—even if it means having to brutally gore through everybody first.
This is a {Flower Veil} Floette deck, that seeks to use heavily use this Ability to hyperboost the HP of Grass-type Pokémon for a long and relentless rampage from M Venusaur-EX. The original deck sought to utilize the original XY Venusaur and M Venusaur, because I figured [Poison Powder] works fair enough with Virbank City Gym, and the HP boost should be immensely helpful to M Venusaur while {Crisis Vine} tears through people.
However, this final edit of the deck replaces them with the Generations Venusaur and M Venusaur-EX for the fun of diversity and the obvious synergy they boast with the central theme. [Poison Impact] is even more powerful with Virbank City Gym given the additional Special Condition it invokes. And with 230 natural HP, while [Bloom Buster] deals 30 damage to EVERY Pokémon on the opponent's bench, the HP bonus from {Flower Veil} is likely to turn this M Venusaur into an even more powerful game finisher.
Pamper's Elite
Time to change poopy butt. Here's a creative M Mewtwo Y deck that seeks to utilize the mega acceleration of Virizion-EX to supercharge the power of M Mewtwo Y's [Psychic Infinity] attack. Despite the Type difference, these two cards have a lot of synergy together, given the combination of energy acceleration and Special Condition lock. Special Conditions can be really debilitating to M Mewtwo Y—one of its major vulnerabilities in-fact. However, Virizon's Ability provides a pretty definite guard against Special Conditions, which enables M Mewtwo EX to run wild without worries.
This deck seeks to further utilize some ingenuity between the combination of Tool Retriever and Ninja Boy, which hope to create a couple powerplays between M Mewtwo Y, Mewtwo Spirit Link, and Fighting Fury Belt effectively providing extensions on their use.
The first of these powerplays involves caching a Mewtwo Spirit Link on any Pokémon before a wheel, then returning to hand later with Tool Retriever, so that it can be used to quickly mega evolve Mewtwo-EX. The second involves Ninja Boy enabling any Pokémon to soak up the energy from [Emerald Slash]—then making a powerplay on Ninja Boy later to switch the heavily energized Pokémon to Mewtwo-EX.
For best results, I'd suggest a heavy tech of at least 2 Ninja Boy for this, just to help create some hard security for it being there. However, I can't really say the Ninja Boy powerplay is that necessary with there being 3 Mewtwo-EX, 4 Ultra Ball, Computer Search, 2 Sklya, and 2 Trainer's Mail to heavily support a quick and perfect setup.
Panda Diplomacy
This deck is in an alternative version of the Vixi Fuuu {Benevolent Boss} Pangoro deck. This deck challenges to do the very dangerous thing negated from the original concept—utilize Sky Field to superboost the HP effect of {Benevolent Boss}. Obviously, this is a very tricky process, because keeping Sky Field out is a tough venue by itself, but having Pokémon to recoup on the bench after getting Sky Field back on the field poses another challenge yet.
Pangoro also requires a lot of energy to attack, so to address both of these issues, this deck utilizes {Premonition} Lunatone and Ether to solve the energy issues, alongside an innovative 3 {Propagation} Exeggcute with Battle Compressor to solve the bench issue.
Traditionally, you would probably see 4 Exeggcute in a deck like this. But even at first thought, that should be noticeably too excessive. You only have three additional spots on the bench from Sky Field, where just 3 {Propagation} Exeggcute is all you need to create a definite fill for that spot. You can ace all three off the bat with just one play on Battle Compressor, so naturally, running more than three can be considerably naïve (especially when it comes to the opening clutch—where a full 4 Exeggcute can push its percentile rate over the safe threshold).
Panty Raid Takes Sapporo
Here's an alternative version of my original Panty Raid deck. This deck takes us from the college campus to the streets of Sapporo, Japan—where a Yuri Pantsu has recently had her panties ripped off her in broad daylight from under her short skirt—by a group of panty raiders that have been running wild across the city in recent days. Investigators have been working around the clock looking for leads—on a desperate crackdown to bring these panty raiders to justice.
The idea behind this deck was to make an offensive version of M Latios deck. The original Panty Raid deck focuses more on the potential of Latios Spirit Link, but there was another very prominent potential available with an offensive strategy focused primarily around [Fast Raid] & Muscle Band.
Traditionally, I would have wanted to compliment the power surge as much as possible, affixing a heavy presence of Giovanni's Scheme to the deck structure here. However, Latios-EX's second attack is an immense energy hike (even with Double Dragon Energy), and its first attack considerably doesn't do enough damage. So instead, the deck structure here contains a heavy array of disruption, to hit the opponent hard in a far more technical way, and hope to better compliment this deck's offensive edge.
Traditionally, I would have wanted to compliment the power surge as much as possible, affixing a heavy presence of Giovanni's Scheme to the deck structure here. However, Latios-EX's second attack is an immense energy hike (even with Double Dragon Energy), and its first attack considerably doesn't do enough damage. So instead, the deck structure here contains a heavy array of disruption, to hit the opponent hard in a far more technical way, and hope to better compliment this deck's offensive edge.
Welcome to Pee Wee's Playhouse! It's a wacky fun place where anything can happen!
This is a creative M Alakazam deck about the legendary PeeWee Herman, who travels from the city of Cincinnati, Ohio—to Tokyo, Japan—to the big apple New York City—on a loner rebel adventure with his friend Dottie. This deck seeks to combine the power of [Zen Force] with [Team Plasma] Espeon and Ancient Trait Banette—two cards with an insane amount of synergy with [Zen Force].
The original version of this deck sought to utilize the Virbank City Gym/Hypnotoxic Laser pair, another set of cards with a lot of natural synergy with [Zen Force]. It did fairly well, but I found that it was much more successful to replace Virbank/Laser with Dimension Valley/Acro Bike. This deck has a lot of resourcing to do, and Acro Bike extends an incredible amount of potential to this. The utility of Dimension Valley is also a lot better, since utilizing excessive Banette pretty much depends on it.
On a final note, I felt like Scoop Up Cyclone was the natural selection as the Ace Spec card for this deck given its synergy with M Alakazam and Alakazam Spirit Link. M Alakazam doesn't have a lot of HP, but in addition to the reset Scoop Up Cyclone can provide—it can also double to provide an extension on {Kinesis} Ability—as well as spare an unfortunate Alazakam-EX that takes heavy damage having to start the game.
Play with Kitty [Remastered]
Here's a remastered version of the original Play with Kitty deck from May 2015. This version of the deck seeks to utilize Max Elixir, which was released far into the next year. This version of the deck also replaces [Energy Wheel]/[Hurricane] Tornadus with a heavier Pokémon-EX base including [Aero Ball] Lugia-EX and very special tech from Cobalion-EX.
As a fun fact, Cobalion-EX was actually heavily considered as a tech in the original Play with Kitty deck—but ended up getting disconsidered as unnecessary given the immense benefit that had {Mighty Shield} in Special Energy dominated Meta. The higher consistency of Aegislash-EX helped to get it on the bench and better the success of synergy with [Hurricane] Tornadus.
As a fun fact, Cobalion-EX was actually heavily considered as a tech in the original Play with Kitty deck—but ended up getting disconsidered as unnecessary given the immense benefit that had {Mighty Shield} in Special Energy dominated Meta. The higher consistency of Aegislash-EX helped to get it on the bench and better the success of synergy with [Hurricane] Tornadus.
This version of the deck also replaces the more vulnerable [Call for Family] Klefki for the [Call for Family] Skarmory to some greater or lesser success. The addition of Fighting Fury Belt in this deck could have extended some potential to Klefki, but the Type-diversity that Skarmory provides to the deck is yet another very considerable factor for its greater success over Klefki.
The deck engine here replaces the one-sided draw strategy for an improvised Supporter array that intends to provide the fastest and greatest use of Max Elixir. The Out-Fighter strategy here hopes to make good use of Ace Trainer as well, while a heavy presence from Pokémon Center Lady provides an extension on the lessened presence of Steel Shelter (to help guard against Special Conditions—and dial back 60 damage for a very nice bonus).
A final tech on Olympia here seeks to do something really fancy, providing an extension on Pokémon Center Lady, while also providing an extension on Scramble Switch to boost the mobility of this deck's heavy Pokémon in the absence of Float Stone.
A final tech on Olympia here seeks to do something really fancy, providing an extension on Pokémon Center Lady, while also providing an extension on Scramble Switch to boost the mobility of this deck's heavy Pokémon in the absence of Float Stone.
Playboy Mansion
"Come on down girls..."
This here is a really creative take on the Team Plasma [Vengeance] Flareon deck. Basically, what I said to myself was I wanted a deck that had a copy of ALL the Eeveelutions, that further included an energy of each Type, so that you could potentially bridge off [Energy Evolution] Eevee in any scenario.
I originally entertained to superpower the [Vengeance] attack by aggressively spamming through the deck between [Triple Draw] Kangaskhan-EX and Professor Sycamore. However, this final edit of the deck takes a more technical approach, including a split between Psychic's Third Eye, which enables a more tactical selection of cards, discarding only the unusable Pokémon in your hand for an equivalent straight draw off the top.
I originally entertained to superpower the [Vengeance] attack by aggressively spamming through the deck between [Triple Draw] Kangaskhan-EX and Professor Sycamore. However, this final edit of the deck takes a more technical approach, including a split between Psychic's Third Eye, which enables a more tactical selection of cards, discarding only the unusable Pokémon in your hand for an equivalent straight draw off the top.
I figured the power of [Vengeance] by itself could be underwhelming, so M Kangaskhan-EX has been an addition to this deck from the very beginning. Would have loved to tech a copy of {Victory Star} Victini for it, but opted for an additional copy of [Energy Crush] Leafeon instead for its power.
Potatoes for Christmas
It's Christmas day in the town of Mariposa, California. And in one house terribly gripped in poverty—Jacoby Shaddix is only getting one present for Christmas—potatoes. This is a middle class poverty deck featuring the dual-type [Wicked Wind] Shiftry from the Steam Siege expansion.
Pretty simple deck strategy here, that aims to use Forest of Giant Plants to hyper-evolve Seedot to Shiftry, then bridge off all the disruption to keep the hand levels as even as possible to enable the extra damage from [Extrasensory]. [Outrage] Kyurem-EX is included here as an alternative offensive resource for the universal potential with Double Colorless Energy, the immense Slugger potential of the [Outrage] attack, as well the Type diversity it provides to complement Shiftry's weakness to Fire-type.
Pretty simple deck strategy here, that aims to use Forest of Giant Plants to hyper-evolve Seedot to Shiftry, then bridge off all the disruption to keep the hand levels as even as possible to enable the extra damage from [Extrasensory]. [Outrage] Kyurem-EX is included here as an alternative offensive resource for the universal potential with Double Colorless Energy, the immense Slugger potential of the [Outrage] attack, as well the Type diversity it provides to complement Shiftry's weakness to Fire-type.
As an advanced tip, the three Red Card aim to provide disruptive potential off a first turn play on N, in the event you have to play a card from your hand afterward (a very likely scenario). A play on Red Card after a first turn N sets the opponent at a disadvantage and helps to better enable [Extrasensory]. The higher volume further hopes to extends this potential longer into the game for even greater success from it.